var lang_urunStoguAsanDeger = 'Ürün stoğunu aşan bir değer girdiniz. Değer stok sayısı ile değiştirildi.'; var lang_yukleniyor = 'Yükleniyor ..'; var lang_lutfenBekleyin = 'Lütfen bekleyin ...'; var lang_kullaniciAdiDahaOnceAlinmis = 'Bu kullanıcı adı daha önce alınmış. Lütfen farklı bir kullanıcı adı girin.'; var lang_epostaDahaOnceAlinmis = 'Bu E-Posta adresi daha önce sisteme kayıt edilmiş.'; var lang_stoktaOlmayanUrunuEkleyemezsiniz = 'Stokta bulunmayan ürünü sepete ekleyemezsiniz.'; var lang_stoktlarimizdaYok = 'Stoklarımızda girdiğiniz adet kadar ürün bulunmamaktadır.'; var lang_lutfenSadeceRakkamKullanin = 'Lütfen adet girişlerinde sadece rakkam kullanın.'; var lang_onaySepet = 'Onay şıkkını işaretlemeden, ürünü sepete atamazsınız.'; var lang_urunVarSecim = 'Lütfen ürün varyasyon seçiminizi yapın.'; var lang_urunAnaVarSecim = 'Lütfen önce ürün ana varyasyon seçiminizi yapın.'; var lang_urunDefaIncelendi = '%urunadi% son 24 saatte %gosterim% defa incelendi.'; var lang_karsilastirmaEklendi = 'Ürün karşılaştırma listesine eklendi.'; var lang_listeEklendi = 'Ürün listenize eklendi.'; var lang_secimStokYok = 'İlgili seçim stokta bulunmamaktadır.'; var lang_ilceGonderimYok = 'Bu ilceye gonderimimiz yoktur.'; var lang_ilceKargoFark = 'Bu ilceye %fark% TL kargo farki uygulanmaktadır.'; var lang_hataliKullaniciVeyaSifre = 'Hatalı kullanıcı adı ve/veya şifre'; var lang_eksiksizDoldurun = 'Lütfen bilgileri eksiksiz doldurun'; var lang_hataliEposta = 'Hatalı e-posta adresi.'; var lang_iletisimOK = 'Sizinle ek kısa sürede iletişime geçeceğiz. Teşekkürler.'; var lang_sifreGuvenligi = 'Şifre Güvenliği'; var lang_karsilastirmaKaldirildi = 'Ürün karşılaştırma listenizden kaldırıldı.'; var lang_OK = 'Tamam'; var lang_tamam = 'Tamam'; var lang_onceAdresSecim = 'Lütfen önce adres seçiminizi yapın.'; var lang_onceKargoSecim = 'Lütfen kargo seçiminizi yapın.'; var lang_evet = 'Evet'; var lang_hayir = 'Hayır'; var lang_secimiTamamlayin = 'Lütfen seçimi tamamlayın.'; var lang_sepeteEklenmis = 'Ürün daha önce sepetinize eklenmiş'; var lang_sepeteEklendi = 'Ürün sepetinize eklendi.'; var lang_alisveriseDevamEt = 'Alışverişe Devam Et'; var lang_sepetimeGit = 'Sepetime Git'; var lang_adresSilOnay = 'Bu adres silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz? Bu işlem geri alınamaz.'; var lang_guvenlikKodOnay = 'Lütfen güvenlik kodunu onaylayın.'; var lang_cepKaydedilmis = 'Bu cep telefonu numarası daha önce kaydedilmiş.'; var lang_urunYeniFiyat = 'Ürün Yeni Fiyatını Girin:'; var lang_guncelle = 'Güncelle'; var lang_hata = 'Hata'; var lang_fiyatGuncelleOK = 'Fiyat güncellendi'; var lang_fiyatGuncelleHata = 'Fiyat güncellenmedi.'; var lang_onaySiparis = 'Siparişi tamamlamak için, satın alma kurallarını onaylamanız gerekmektedir.'; var lang_onayOdemeTipi = 'Siparişi tamamlamak için bir ödeme yöntemi seçmelisiniz.'; var lang_kartBilgileriDoldurun = 'Lütfen kart bilgilerinizi eksiksiz doldurun.'; var lang_hataliKartNo = 'Geçersiz kart numarası.'; var siteDizini = '/'; var templateName = 'paradise'; console.log('%cYazılım : %cKiren Yazılım v5.2%c -','color:green','','');var singlePaymentClicked = false; $(document).ready(function () { $(".pay-items div.card-headers").click(function () { if ( $(this).parent().find(".baska-kart").is(":visible") || !$(".siparis-onayla-button").is(":visible") ) return; if ( $("#gf_acceptRulesCB_satinalKural").length && !$("#gf_acceptRulesCB_satinalKural").is(":checked") ) { myalert(lang_onaySiparis, "warning"); return; } $(" .mobile-payment").html( $(" .mobile-payment").attr("desc") ); $(".pay-auto-cc").html("").hide(); $(" .card-bodys .credit-card").css( "opacity", 1 ); $(".pay-items,.cc-choice-container").removeClass("active"); $(this).parent().addClass("active"); $(".card-bodys").removeClass("d-block").addClass("d-none"); $(this) .parent() .find(".card-bodys") .addClass("d-block") .removeClass("d-none") .show(); if ($(this).parent().find(".pay-auto-load").length) { $(" .pay-auto-load") .html(ajaxLoaderDiv()) .show(); var payID = $(this).parent().find(".pay-auto-load").attr("data-loadID"); setPayType(payID); $.get( "page.php?act=satinal&op=odeme&paytype=" + payID + "&viewPopup=1&isAjax=1", function (data) { if (singlePaymentClicked) window.location.href = "page.php?act=satinal&op=odeme&paytype=" + payID; $(" .pay-auto-load").html( $(data).find("#shopphp-payment-body-step3").html() ); } ); } }); $(".cc-choice-container").click(function () { $(".cc-choice-container").removeClass("active"); $(this).addClass("active"); }); $(".credit-card").click(function () { $(" .card-bodys .credit-card").css( "opacity", 0.2 ); $(this).css("opacity", 1); $(" .pay-auto-cc").html(ajaxLoaderDiv()).show(); var payID = $(this).attr("data-bankID"); setPayType(payID); $.get( "page.php?act=satinal&op=odeme&paytype=" + payID + "&viewPopup=1&isAjax=1", function (data) { $(" .pay-auto-cc").html( $(data).find("#shopphp-payment-body-step3").html() ); } ); }); window.addEventListener("load", (event) => { $(".notAliciUpdate").bind("input propertychange", function () { siparisBilgiGuncelle(0, 0); }); }); function siparisKargoSecimListeGuncelle() { if (!$("#sepet-kargo-secim").length) { // $('#siparis-submit-button').after('
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b.options.minZoomLevel : 2 * b.options.scrollZoomIncrement; b.options.scrollZoom && b.zoomContainer.add(b.$elem).bind("mousewheel DOMMouseScroll MozMousePixelScroll", function(a) { b.scrollLock = !0; clearTimeout(, "timer"));, "timer", setTimeout(function() { b.scrollLock = !1 }, 250)); var e = a.originalEvent.wheelDelta || -1 * a.originalEvent.detail; a.stopImmediatePropagation(); a.stopPropagation(); a.preventDefault(); 0 < e / 120 ? b.currentZoomLevel >= b.minZoomLevel && b.changeZoomLevel(b.currentZoomLevel - b.options.scrollZoomIncrement) : b.options.maxZoomLevel ? b.currentZoomLevel <= b.options.maxZoomLevel && b.changeZoomLevel(parseFloat(b.currentZoomLevel) + b.options.scrollZoomIncrement) : b.changeZoomLevel(parseFloat(b.currentZoomLevel) + b.options.scrollZoomIncrement); return !1 }) }, setElements: function(b) { if (!this.options.zoomEnabled) return !1; "show" == b && this.isWindowSet && ("inner" == this.options.zoomType && this.showHideWindow("show"), "window" == this.options.zoomType && this.showHideWindow("show"), this.options.showLens && this.showHideLens("show"), this.options.tint && "inner" != this.options.zoomType && this.showHideTint("show")); "hide" == b && ("window" == this.options.zoomType && this.showHideWindow("hide"), this.options.tint || this.showHideWindow("hide"), this.options.showLens && this.showHideLens("hide"), this.options.tint && this.showHideTint("hide")) }, setPosition: function(b) { if (!this.options.zoomEnabled) return !1; this.nzHeight = this.$elem.height(); this.nzWidth = this.$elem.width(); this.nzOffset = this.$elem.offset(); this.options.tint && "inner" != this.options.zoomType && (this.zoomTint.css({ top: 0 }), this.zoomTint.css({ left: 0 })); this.options.responsive && !this.options.scrollZoom && this.options.showLens && (lensHeight = this.nzHeight < this.options.zoomWindowWidth / this.widthRatio ? this.nzHeight : String(this.options.zoomWindowHeight / this.heightRatio), lensWidth = this.largeWidth < this.options.zoomWindowWidth ? this.nzWidth : this.options.zoomWindowWidth / this.widthRatio, this.widthRatio = this.largeWidth / this.nzWidth, this.heightRatio = this.largeHeight / this.nzHeight, "lens" != this.options.zoomType && (lensHeight = this.nzHeight < this.options.zoomWindowWidth / this.widthRatio ? this.nzHeight : String(this.options.zoomWindowHeight / this.heightRatio), lensWidth = this.options.zoomWindowWidth < this.options.zoomWindowWidth ? this.nzWidth : this.options.zoomWindowWidth / this.widthRatio, this.zoomLens.css("width", lensWidth), this.zoomLens.css("height", lensHeight), this.options.tint && (this.zoomTintImage.css("width", this.nzWidth), this.zoomTintImage.css("height", this.nzHeight))), "lens" == this.options.zoomType && this.zoomLens.css({ width: String(this.options.lensSize) + "px", height: String(this.options.lensSize) + "px" })); this.zoomContainer.css({ top: }); this.zoomContainer.css({ left: this.nzOffset.left }); this.mouseLeft = parseInt(b.pageX - this.nzOffset.left); this.mouseTop = parseInt(b.pageY -; "window" == this.options.zoomType && (this.Etoppos = this.mouseTop < this.zoomLens.height() / 2, this.Eboppos = this.mouseTop > this.nzHeight - this.zoomLens.height() / 2 - 2 * this.options.lensBorderSize, this.Eloppos = this.mouseLeft < 0 + this.zoomLens.width() / 2, this.Eroppos = this.mouseLeft > this.nzWidth - this.zoomLens.width() / 2 - 2 * this.options.lensBorderSize); "inner" == this.options.zoomType && (this.Etoppos = this.mouseTop < this.nzHeight / 2 / this.heightRatio, this.Eboppos = this.mouseTop > this.nzHeight - this.nzHeight / 2 / this.heightRatio, this.Eloppos = this.mouseLeft < 0 + this.nzWidth / 2 / this.widthRatio, this.Eroppos = this.mouseLeft > this.nzWidth - this.nzWidth / 2 / this.widthRatio - 2 * this.options.lensBorderSize); 0 >= this.mouseLeft || 0 > this.mouseTop || this.mouseLeft > this.nzWidth || this.mouseTop > this.nzHeight ? this.setElements("hide") : (this.options.showLens && (this.lensLeftPos = String(this.mouseLeft - this.zoomLens.width() / 2), this.lensTopPos = String(this.mouseTop - this.zoomLens.height() / 2)), this.Etoppos && (this.lensTopPos = 0), this.Eloppos && (this.tintpos = this.lensLeftPos = this.windowLeftPos = 0), "window" == this.options.zoomType && (this.Eboppos && (this.lensTopPos = Math.max(this.nzHeight - this.zoomLens.height() - 2 * this.options.lensBorderSize, 0)), this.Eroppos && (this.lensLeftPos = this.nzWidth - this.zoomLens.width() - 2 * this.options.lensBorderSize)), "inner" == this.options.zoomType && (this.Eboppos && (this.lensTopPos = Math.max(this.nzHeight - 2 * this.options.lensBorderSize, 0)), this.Eroppos && (this.lensLeftPos = this.nzWidth - this.nzWidth - 2 * this.options.lensBorderSize)), "lens" == this.options.zoomType && (this.windowLeftPos = String(-1 * ((b.pageX - this.nzOffset.left) * this.widthRatio - this.zoomLens.width() / 2)), this.windowTopPos = String(-1 * ((b.pageY - * this.heightRatio - this.zoomLens.height() / 2)), this.zoomLens.css({ backgroundPosition: this.windowLeftPos + "px " + this.windowTopPos + "px" }), this.changeBgSize && (this.nzHeight > this.nzWidth ? ("lens" == this.options.zoomType && this.zoomLens.css({ "background-size": this.largeWidth / this.newvalueheight + "px " + this.largeHeight / this.newvalueheight + "px" }), this.zoomWindow.css({ "background-size": this.largeWidth / this.newvalueheight + "px " + this.largeHeight / this.newvalueheight + "px" })) : ("lens" == this.options.zoomType && this.zoomLens.css({ "background-size": this.largeWidth / this.newvaluewidth + "px " + this.largeHeight / this.newvaluewidth + "px" }), this.zoomWindow.css({ "background-size": this.largeWidth / this.newvaluewidth + "px " + this.largeHeight / this.newvaluewidth + "px" })), this.changeBgSize = !1), this.setWindowPostition(b)), this.options.tint && "inner" != this.options.zoomType && this.setTintPosition(b), "window" == this.options.zoomType && this.setWindowPostition(b), "inner" == this.options.zoomType && this.setWindowPostition(b), this.options.showLens && (this.fullwidth && "lens" != this.options.zoomType && (this.lensLeftPos = 0), this.zoomLens.css({ left: this.lensLeftPos + "px", top: this.lensTopPos + "px" }))) }, showHideWindow: function(b) { "show" != b || this.isWindowActive || (this.options.zoomWindowFadeIn ? this.zoomWindow.stop(!0, !0, !1).fadeIn(this.options.zoomWindowFadeIn) :, this.isWindowActive = !0); "hide" == b && this.isWindowActive && (this.options.zoomWindowFadeOut ? this.zoomWindow.stop(!0, !0).fadeOut(this.options.zoomWindowFadeOut) : this.zoomWindow.hide(), this.isWindowActive = !1) }, showHideLens: function(b) { "show" != b || this.isLensActive || (this.options.lensFadeIn ? this.zoomLens.stop(!0, !0, !1).fadeIn(this.options.lensFadeIn) :, this.isLensActive = !0); "hide" == b && this.isLensActive && (this.options.lensFadeOut ? this.zoomLens.stop(!0, !0).fadeOut(this.options.lensFadeOut) : this.zoomLens.hide(), this.isLensActive = !1) }, showHideTint: function(b) { "show" != b || this.isTintActive || (this.options.zoomTintFadeIn ? this.zoomTint.css({ opacity: this.options.tintOpacity }).animate().stop(!0, !0).fadeIn("slow") : (this.zoomTint.css({ opacity: this.options.tintOpacity }).animate(),, this.isTintActive = !0); "hide" == b && this.isTintActive && (this.options.zoomTintFadeOut ? this.zoomTint.stop(!0, !0).fadeOut(this.options.zoomTintFadeOut) : this.zoomTint.hide(), this.isTintActive = !1) }, setLensPostition: function(b) {}, setWindowPostition: function(b) { var a = this; if (isNaN(a.options.zoomWindowPosition)) a.externalContainer = d("#" + a.options.zoomWindowPosition), a.externalContainerWidth = a.externalContainer.width(), a.externalContainerHeight = a.externalContainer.height(), a.externalContainerOffset = a.externalContainer.offset(), a.windowOffsetTop =, a.windowOffsetLeft = a.externalContainerOffset.left; else switch (a.options.zoomWindowPosition) { case 1: a.windowOffsetTop = a.options.zoomWindowOffety; a.windowOffsetLeft = +a.nzWidth; break; case 2: a.options.zoomWindowHeight > a.nzHeight && (a.windowOffsetTop = -1 * (a.options.zoomWindowHeight / 2 - a.nzHeight / 2), a.windowOffsetLeft = a.nzWidth); break; case 3: a.windowOffsetTop = a.nzHeight - a.zoomWindow.height() - 2 * a.options.borderSize; a.windowOffsetLeft = a.nzWidth; break; case 4: a.windowOffsetTop = a.nzHeight; a.windowOffsetLeft = a.nzWidth; break; case 5: a.windowOffsetTop = a.nzHeight; a.windowOffsetLeft = a.nzWidth - a.zoomWindow.width() - 2 * a.options.borderSize; break; case 6: a.options.zoomWindowHeight > a.nzHeight && (a.windowOffsetTop = a.nzHeight, a.windowOffsetLeft = -1 * (a.options.zoomWindowWidth / 2 - a.nzWidth / 2 + 2 * a.options.borderSize)); break; case 7: a.windowOffsetTop = a.nzHeight; a.windowOffsetLeft = 0; break; case 8: a.windowOffsetTop = a.nzHeight; a.windowOffsetLeft = -1 * (a.zoomWindow.width() + 2 * a.options.borderSize); break; case 9: a.windowOffsetTop = a.nzHeight - a.zoomWindow.height() - 2 * a.options.borderSize; a.windowOffsetLeft = -1 * (a.zoomWindow.width() + 2 * a.options.borderSize); break; case 10: a.options.zoomWindowHeight > a.nzHeight && (a.windowOffsetTop = -1 * (a.options.zoomWindowHeight / 2 - a.nzHeight / 2), a.windowOffsetLeft = -1 * (a.zoomWindow.width() + 2 * a.options.borderSize)); break; case 11: a.windowOffsetTop = a.options.zoomWindowOffety; a.windowOffsetLeft = -1 * (a.zoomWindow.width() + 2 * a.options.borderSize); break; case 12: a.windowOffsetTop = -1 * (a.zoomWindow.height() + 2 * a.options.borderSize); a.windowOffsetLeft = -1 * (a.zoomWindow.width() + 2 * a.options.borderSize); break; case 13: a.windowOffsetTop = -1 * (a.zoomWindow.height() + 2 * a.options.borderSize); a.windowOffsetLeft = 0; break; case 14: a.options.zoomWindowHeight > a.nzHeight && (a.windowOffsetTop = -1 * (a.zoomWindow.height() + 2 * a.options.borderSize), a.windowOffsetLeft = -1 * (a.options.zoomWindowWidth / 2 - a.nzWidth / 2 + 2 * a.options.borderSize)); break; case 15: a.windowOffsetTop = -1 * (a.zoomWindow.height() + 2 * a.options.borderSize); a.windowOffsetLeft = a.nzWidth - a.zoomWindow.width() - 2 * a.options.borderSize; break; case 16: a.windowOffsetTop = -1 * (a.zoomWindow.height() + 2 * a.options.borderSize); a.windowOffsetLeft = a.nzWidth; break; default: a.windowOffsetTop = a.options.zoomWindowOffety, a.windowOffsetLeft = a.nzWidth } a.isWindowSet = !0; a.windowOffsetTop += a.options.zoomWindowOffety; a.windowOffsetLeft += a.options.zoomWindowOffetx; a.zoomWindow.css({ top: a.windowOffsetTop }); a.zoomWindow.css({ left: a.windowOffsetLeft }); "inner" == a.options.zoomType && (a.zoomWindow.css({ top: 0 }), a.zoomWindow.css({ left: 0 })); a.windowLeftPos = String(-1 * ((b.pageX - a.nzOffset.left) * a.widthRatio - a.zoomWindow.width() / 2)); a.windowTopPos = String(-1 * ((b.pageY - * a.heightRatio - a.zoomWindow.height() / 2)); a.Etoppos && (a.windowTopPos = 0); a.Eloppos && (a.windowLeftPos = 0); a.Eboppos && (a.windowTopPos = -1 * (a.largeHeight / a.currentZoomLevel - a.zoomWindow.height())); a.Eroppos && (a.windowLeftPos = -1 * (a.largeWidth / a.currentZoomLevel - a.zoomWindow.width())); a.fullheight && (a.windowTopPos = 0); a.fullwidth && (a.windowLeftPos = 0); if ("window" == a.options.zoomType || "inner" == a.options.zoomType) 1 == a.zoomLock && (1 >= a.widthRatio && (a.windowLeftPos = 0), 1 >= a.heightRatio && (a.windowTopPos = 0)), a.largeHeight < a.options.zoomWindowHeight && (a.windowTopPos = 0), a.largeWidth < a.options.zoomWindowWidth && (a.windowLeftPos = 0), a.options.easing ? (a.xp || (a.xp = 0), a.yp || (a.yp = 0), a.loop || (a.loop = setInterval(function() { a.xp += (a.windowLeftPos - a.xp) / a.options.easingAmount; a.yp += (a.windowTopPos - a.yp) / a.options.easingAmount; a.scrollingLock ? (clearInterval(a.loop), a.xp = a.windowLeftPos, a.yp = a.windowTopPos, a.xp = -1 * ((b.pageX - a.nzOffset.left) * a.widthRatio - a.zoomWindow.width() / 2), a.yp = -1 * ((b.pageY - * a.heightRatio - a.zoomWindow.height() / 2), a.changeBgSize && (a.nzHeight > a.nzWidth ? ("lens" == a.options.zoomType && a.zoomLens.css({ "background-size": a.largeWidth / a.newvalueheight + "px " + a.largeHeight / a.newvalueheight + "px" }), a.zoomWindow.css({ "background-size": a.largeWidth / a.newvalueheight + "px " + a.largeHeight / a.newvalueheight + "px" })) : ("lens" != a.options.zoomType && a.zoomLens.css({ "background-size": a.largeWidth / a.newvaluewidth + "px " + a.largeHeight / a.newvalueheight + "px" }), a.zoomWindow.css({ "background-size": a.largeWidth / a.newvaluewidth + "px " + a.largeHeight / a.newvaluewidth + "px" })), a.changeBgSize = !1), a.zoomWindow.css({ backgroundPosition: a.windowLeftPos + "px " + a.windowTopPos + "px" }), a.scrollingLock = !1, a.loop = !1) : (a.changeBgSize && (a.nzHeight > a.nzWidth ? ("lens" == a.options.zoomType && a.zoomLens.css({ "background-size": a.largeWidth / a.newvalueheight + "px " + a.largeHeight / a.newvalueheight + "px" }), a.zoomWindow.css({ "background-size": a.largeWidth / a.newvalueheight + "px " + a.largeHeight / a.newvalueheight + "px" })) : ("lens" != a.options.zoomType && a.zoomLens.css({ "background-size": a.largeWidth / a.newvaluewidth + "px " + a.largeHeight / a.newvaluewidth + "px" }), a.zoomWindow.css({ "background-size": a.largeWidth / a.newvaluewidth + "px " + a.largeHeight / a.newvaluewidth + "px" })), a.changeBgSize = !1), a.zoomWindow.css({ backgroundPosition: a.xp + "px " + a.yp + "px" })) }, 16))) : (a.changeBgSize && (a.nzHeight > a.nzWidth ? ("lens" == a.options.zoomType && a.zoomLens.css({ "background-size": a.largeWidth / a.newvalueheight + "px " + a.largeHeight / a.newvalueheight + "px" }), a.zoomWindow.css({ "background-size": a.largeWidth / a.newvalueheight + "px " + a.largeHeight / a.newvalueheight + "px" })) : ("lens" == a.options.zoomType && a.zoomLens.css({ "background-size": a.largeWidth / a.newvaluewidth + "px " + a.largeHeight / a.newvaluewidth + "px" }), a.largeHeight / a.newvaluewidth < a.options.zoomWindowHeight ? a.zoomWindow.css({ "background-size": a.largeWidth / a.newvaluewidth + "px " + a.largeHeight / a.newvaluewidth + "px" }) : a.zoomWindow.css({ "background-size": a.largeWidth / a.newvalueheight + "px " + a.largeHeight / a.newvalueheight + "px" })), a.changeBgSize = !1), a.zoomWindow.css({ backgroundPosition: a.windowLeftPos + "px " + a.windowTopPos + "px" })) }, setTintPosition: function(b) { this.nzOffset = this.$elem.offset(); this.tintpos = String(-1 * (b.pageX - this.nzOffset.left - this.zoomLens.width() / 2)); this.tintposy = String(-1 * (b.pageY - - this.zoomLens.height() / 2)); this.Etoppos && (this.tintposy = 0); this.Eloppos && (this.tintpos = 0); this.Eboppos && (this.tintposy = -1 * (this.nzHeight - this.zoomLens.height() - 2 * this.options.lensBorderSize)); this.Eroppos && (this.tintpos = -1 * (this.nzWidth - this.zoomLens.width() - 2 * this.options.lensBorderSize)); this.options.tint && (this.fullheight && (this.tintposy = 0), this.fullwidth && (this.tintpos = 0), this.zoomTintImage.css({ left: this.tintpos + "px" }), this.zoomTintImage.css({ top: this.tintposy + "px" })) }, swaptheimage: function(b, a) { var c = this, e = new Image; c.options.loadingIcon && (c.spinner = d("
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(this.widthRatio = this.largeWidth / newvalue / this.nzWidth, this.newvaluewidth = newvalue > maxwidthtnewvalue ? maxwidthtnewvalue : newvalue, this.fullwidth = !0) : (this.widthRatio = this.largeWidth / newvalue / this.nzWidth, this.newvaluewidth = newvalue, this.fullwidth = !1)); scrcontinue = !1; "inner" == this.options.zoomType && (this.nzWidth > this.nzHeight && (this.newvaluewidth <= maxwidthtnewvalue ? scrcontinue = !0 : (scrcontinue = !1, this.fullwidth = this.fullheight = !0)), this.nzHeight > this.nzWidth && (this.newvaluewidth <= maxwidthtnewvalue ? scrcontinue = !0 : (scrcontinue = !1, this.fullwidth = this.fullheight = !0))); "inner" != this.options.zoomType && (scrcontinue = !0); scrcontinue && (this.zoomLock = 0, this.changeZoom = !0, this.options.zoomWindowHeight / this.heightRatio <= this.nzHeight && (this.currentZoomLevel = this.newvalueheight, "lens" != this.options.zoomType && "inner" != this.options.zoomType && (this.changeBgSize = !0, this.zoomLens.css({ height: String(this.options.zoomWindowHeight / this.heightRatio) + "px" })), "lens" == this.options.zoomType || "inner" == this.options.zoomType) && (this.changeBgSize = !0), this.options.zoomWindowWidth / this.widthRatio <= this.nzWidth && ("inner" != this.options.zoomType && this.newvaluewidth > this.newvalueheight && (this.currentZoomLevel = this.newvaluewidth), "lens" != this.options.zoomType && "inner" != this.options.zoomType && (this.changeBgSize = !0, this.zoomLens.css({ width: String(this.options.zoomWindowWidth / this.widthRatio) + "px" })), "lens" == this.options.zoomType || "inner" == this.options.zoomType) && (this.changeBgSize = !0), "inner" == this.options.zoomType && (this.changeBgSize = !0, this.nzWidth > this.nzHeight && (this.currentZoomLevel = this.newvaluewidth), this.nzHeight > this.nzWidth && (this.currentZoomLevel = this.newvaluewidth))); this.setPosition(this.currentLoc) }, closeAll: function() { self.zoomWindow && self.zoomWindow.hide(); self.zoomLens && self.zoomLens.hide(); self.zoomTint && self.zoomTint.hide() }, changeState: function(b) { "enable" == b && (this.options.zoomEnabled = !0); "disable" == b && (this.options.zoomEnabled = !1) } }; d.fn.elevateZoom = function(b) { return this.each(function() { var a = Object.create(k); a.init(b, this);, "elevateZoom", a) }) }; d.fn.elevateZoom.options = { zoomActivation: "hover", zoomEnabled: !0, preloading: 1, zoomLevel: 1, scrollZoom: !1, scrollZoomIncrement: 0.1, minZoomLevel: !1, maxZoomLevel: !1, easing: !1, easingAmount: 12, lensSize: 200, zoomWindowWidth: 400, zoomWindowHeight: 400, zoomWindowOffetx: 0, zoomWindowOffety: 0, zoomWindowPosition: 1, zoomWindowBgColour: "#fff", lensFadeIn: !1, lensFadeOut: !1, debug: !1, zoomWindowFadeIn: !1, zoomWindowFadeOut: !1, zoomWindowAlwaysShow: !1, zoomTintFadeIn: !1, zoomTintFadeOut: !1, borderSize: 4, showLens: !0, borderColour: "#888", lensBorderSize: 1, lensBorderColour: "#000", lensShape: "square", zoomType: "window", containLensZoom: !1, lensColour: "white", lensOpacity: 0.4, lenszoom: !1, tint: !1, tintColour: "#333", tintOpacity: 0.4, gallery: !1, galleryActiveClass: "zoomGalleryActive", imageCrossfade: !1, constrainType: !1, constrainSize: !1, loadingIcon: !1, cursor: "default", responsive: !0, onComplete: d.noop, onZoomedImageLoaded: function() {}, onImageSwap: d.noop, onImageSwapComplete: d.noop } })(jQuery, window, document);/*! fancyBox v2.1.5 | */ (function(r,G,f,v){var J=f("html"),n=f(r),p=f(G),b=f.fancybox=function(){,arguments)},I=navigator.userAgent.match(/msie/i),B=null,s=G.createTouch!==v,t=function(a){return a&&a.hasOwnProperty&&a instanceof f},q=function(a){return a&&"string"===f.type(a)},E=function(a){return q(a)&&0

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      ')); //container.append($('').html("Bruteforce time: ")); meta.stats.bruteTime = $('').html(""); //container.append(meta.stats.bruteTime); var err = $('
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sepetEkleKontrolValue = false; } } for (var i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { if ( sepetEkleKontrolValue && $(".urunSecim_ozellik" + i + "detay li").length > 1 && !$(".urunSecim_ozellik" + i + "detay li.selected").length ) { myalert(lang_urunVarSecim, "warning"); sepetEkleKontrolValue = false; } } for (var i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { if ( sepetEkleKontrolValue && $("select[name=ozellik" + i + "detay] option").length > 1 && !$("select[name=ozellik" + i + "detay]").val() ) { myalert(lang_urunVarSecim, "warning"); sepetEkleKontrolValue = false; } } for (var i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { if ( sepetEkleKontrolValue && $("#urunSecim_ozellik" + i + "detay").length && !$("#urunSecim_ozellik" + i + "detay").val() ) { myalert(lang_urunVarSecim, "warning"); sepetEkleKontrolValue = false; } } return sepetEkleKontrolValue; } function urunTooltip(urunAdi, gosterim) { if (gosterim <= 1) return; var str = lang_urunDefaIncelendi; str = str.replace(/%gosterim%/i, gosterim).replace(/%urunadi%/i, urunAdi); $('
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if ($("#" + semtID).attr("filter") == "true") pars += "&valid=true"; $.ajax({ url: "include/ajaxLib.php?" + pars, success: function (data) { var selected = $("#" + semtID).attr("secili"); $("#" + semtID).html(data); $("#" + semtID + " option[value='" + selected + "']").attr( "selected", "selected" ); //if (isMobile) $("#" + semtID).selectmenu("refresh", true); formTownChange($("#" + semtID)); }, }); var pars = "act=kargoArray&data_city=" + $(obj).val(); $("#gf_info_kargoFirmaID").html(""); $.ajax({ url: "include/ajaxLib.php?" + pars, success: function (data) { $("#gf_kargoFirmaID").html(data); // formKargoChange(); }, }); return true; } function kargoListeGuncelle() { if(!$("#gf_kargoFirmaID").length) return true; var pars = "act=kargoArray&data_city=" + $('#gf_city').val() + "&data_country=" + $('#gf_country').val(); $("#gf_info_kargoFirmaID").html(""); $.ajax({ url: "include/ajaxLib.php?" + pars, success: function (data) { $("#gf_kargoFirmaID").html(data); // formKargoChange(); }, }); return true; } function trim(stringToTrim) { return stringToTrim.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); } function checkSimpleCaptcha(formID) { return; var pars = "txtCaptcha=" + $("." + formID + "_txtCaptcha").val(); $.ajax({ url: "include/ajaxLib.php?act=simplecaptcha", type: "POST", data: pars, success: function (data) { data = trim(data); if (data == "false" || !data) { myalert("Güvenlik kodu hatalı.", "error"); } else { $(".formdeger").val(data); $("#" + formID).submit(); } }, }); } function checkCaptcha(formID) { if (grecaptcha && grecaptcha.getResponse().length > 0) { var pars = "recaptcha_challenge_field=" + $("#recaptcha_challenge_field").val() + "&recaptcha_response_field=" + $("#recaptcha_response_field").val(); $.ajax({ url: "include/ajaxLib.php?act=captcha", type: "POST", data: pars, success: function (data) { data = trim(data); if (data == "false" || !data) { myalert("Güvenlik kodu hatalı.", "error"); Recaptcha.reload(); } else { $(".formdeger").val(data); $("#" + formID).submit(); } }, }); 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var taksitstr = ""; if (taksit > 1) taksitstr = taksit; var pars = "act=getHashGaranti&strTerminalID=" + strTerminalID + "&strOrderID=" + strOrderID + "&strAmount=" + strAmount + "&strSuccessURL=" + strSuccessURL + "&strErrorURL=" + strErrorURL + "&strType=" + strType + "&taksit=" + taksitstr + "&strStoreKey=" + strStoreKey + "&SecurityData=" + SecurityData; $.ajax({ url: "include/ajaxLib.php?" + pars, success: function (data) { data = trim(data); $("#hash").val(data); }, }); return hash; } // Üst Kategori Listesi Fonksiyonları var topCatID = 0; var topMarkaID = 0; var urunCatInsert = ""; var urunMarkaInsert = ""; var userNameError = ""; var emailNameError = ""; function checkRegisterStatus() { $("#sp_registerForm span.button").html(lang_lutfenBekleyin); return true; } function checkAvail(value, type) { $.ajax({ url: "include/ajaxLib.php?act=checkAvail&str=" + encodeURIComponent(value) + "&type=" + encodeURIComponent(type), success: function (data) { data = trim(data); if (data != "OK") { if (type == "username") { userNameError = "true"; 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"page.php?act=urunDetay&urunID=" + urunID : "#"; document.getElementById("detail_href_" + catID).target = urunID > 0 ? "_blank" : "_self"; updateToplam(); } function updateAdet(v, catID) { var xID = "#urunSelected_" + catID; var urunID = $(xID).val(); if (v == 0 || !v) KDVHaricArray[catID] = 0; else KDVHaricArray[catID] = urunKDVHaricFiyat[urunID] * v; var urunID = document.getElementById("urunSelected_" + catID).options[ document.getElementById("urunSelected_" + catID).selectedIndex ].value; var fiyat = urunSFiyat[urunID]; var stok = urunStok[urunID]; if (!isInt(v)) { myalert(lutfenSadeceRakkamKullanin, "warning"); v = urunID > 0 && stok > 0 ? 1 : 0; up("adet_" + catID, v); } else if (v > stok) { myalert(lang_stoktlarimizdaYok, "warning"); up("adet_" + catID, stok); v = stok; } if (urunID > 0) up("fiyat_" + catID, moneyFormat(fiyat * v)); updateToplam(); } function ShowDetailPic(catID) { var urunID = document.getElementById("urunSelected_" + catID).options[ document.getElementById("urunSelected_" + catID).selectedIndex ].value; document.getElementById("detail_div_" + catID).innerHTML = ''; if (urunResim[urunID]) document.getElementById("detail_div_" + catID).style.display = "block"; } // PC Toplama Fonksiyonları function moneyFormat(number) { var decimalplaces = 2; var decimalcharacter = "."; var thousandseparater = ","; number = parseFloat(number); var sign = number < 0 ? "-" : ""; var formatted = new String(number.toFixed(decimalplaces)); if (decimalcharacter.length && decimalcharacter != ".") { formatted = formatted.replace(/\./, decimalcharacter); } var integer = ""; var fraction = ""; var strnumber = new String(formatted); var dotpos = decimalcharacter.length ? strnumber.indexOf(decimalcharacter) : -1; if (dotpos > -1) { if (dotpos) { integer = strnumber.substr(0, dotpos); } fraction = strnumber.substr(dotpos + 1); } else { integer = strnumber; } if (integer) { integer = String(Math.abs(integer)); } while (fraction.length < decimalplaces) { fraction += "0"; } temparray = new Array(); while (integer.length > 3) { temparray.unshift(integer.substr(-3)); integer = integer.substr(0, integer.length - 3); } temparray.unshift(integer); integer = temparray.join(thousandseparater); var out = sign + integer + decimalcharacter + fraction; if (kurusgizle) out = out.replace(".00", ""); return out; } function moneyFormat2(V) { var intPart, decPart; ret = V * 100; ret = Math.round(ret); ret = V < 0.1 ? "0" + ret : ret; ret = V < 1 ? "0" + ret : "" + ret; intPart = ret.substring(0, ret.length - 2); decPart = ret.substring(ret.length - 2); ret = intPart + "." + decPart; if (ret.indexOf("-") >= 0) ret = ret.replace("00", ""); return ret; } function pause(numberMillis) { var now = new Date(); var exitTime = now.getTime() + numberMillis; while (true) { now = new Date(); if (now.getTime() > exitTime) return; } } function isInt(x) { var y = parseInt(x); if (isNaN(y)) return false; return x == y && x.toString() == y.toString(); } function gv(id) { if (document.getElementById(id)) return document.getElementById(id).value; else alert("DEBUG gv : " + id + " -> NOID."); } function up(id, v) { if (document.getElementById(id)) document.getElementById(id).value = v; else alert("DEBUG up : " + id + " -> NOID."); } function ch(oldid, newid) { if (!document.getElementById(oldid)) alert("DEBUG ch : " + oldid + " -> NOID."); if (!document.getElementById(newid)) alert("DEBUG ch : " + newid + " -> NOID."); document.getElementById(oldid).innerHTML = document.getElementById(newid).innerHTML; } function openTab(id) { if ( $("#fancyTabContainer").html() != null && $("#fancyTabContainer").html() != "" ) { id++; $("#fancyTabContainer .tabs1 li:eq(" + id + ")").click(); return; } //if (lastTabID == id) return; var cont = false; { if (lastTabID) $("#tabData" + lastTabID).hide("fast"); $("#tabData" + id).show("fast"); $("#tabData" + id + " .imgCaptchaRefresh").click(); lastTabID = id; cont = true; } for (var i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { if (document.getElementById("option" + i)) { document.getElementById("option" + i).style.backgroundPosition = "0% 0px"; document .getElementById("option" + i) .getElementsByTagName("span")[0].style.backgroundPosition = "100% 0px"; } } if (cont && document.getElementById("option" + id) != null) { document.getElementById("option" + id).style.backgroundPosition = "0% -42px"; document .getElementById("option" + id) .getElementsByTagName("span")[0].style.backgroundPosition = "100% -42px"; } } function flash(w, h, u, t) { document.write( "" ); document.write(""); document.write( "" ); } function Validate_Email_Address(input) { //input.replace(/\s/g, ""); var validRegex = /^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*$/; if (input.match(validRegex)) { return true; } else { return false; } } /* function Validate_Email_Address(email) { //$("#gf_email").val($("#gf_email").val().replace(/ /g, "")); email.replace(/\s/g, ""); var re = /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/; return re.test(email); } */ function trFix(string) { //string = string.replace(/y/g,'ı'); //string = string.replace(/?/g,'ş'); //string = string.replace(/?/g,'ğ'); return string; } function sssOpen(ID) { if (lastSSSID) { $("#sss_cevap_" + lastSSSID).slideUp("fast"); $("#sss_image_" + lastSSSID).removeClass('fa-minus').addClass('fa-plus').css({'color':'#0bc15c'}); } if (lastSSSID != ID) { $("#sss_cevap_" + ID).slideDown("fast"); $("#sss_image_" + ID).removeClass('fa-plus').addClass('fa-minus').css({'color':'#aaa'});; lastSSSID = ID; } else lastSSSID = 0; } function fc(obj) { obj.innerHTML = obj.innerHTML + ''; document.getElementById("sb").click(); } function pencereAc(url, en, boy) { var y = / 2 + - boy / 2; var x = / 2 + - en / 2; window .open( url, "shopphp", "height=" + boy + ",width=" + en + ",status=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,scrollbars=1, top=" + y + ", left=" + x ) .focus(); } function is_int(input) { return typeof input == "number" && parseInt(input) == input; } function bookmark() { if (window.sidebar) { // Mozilla Firefox Bookmark window.sidebar.addPanel(location.href, document.title, ""); } else if (window.external) { // IE Favorite window.external.AddFavorite(location.href, document.title); } else if (window.opera && window.print) { // Opera Hotlist this.title = document.title; return true; } } function liftOff() { window.location.reload(); } function errorAlert(str) {{ title: "Hata!", text: str, icon: "error", button: lang_OK, }); } function ugFiyat(lineID) {{ input: "text", content: "input", text: lang_urunYeniFiyat, confirmButtonText: lang_guncelle, }).then((value) => { if(!value.value) return; $.get( "include/ajaxLib.php?act=userGroupFiyat&lineID=" + lineID + "&fiyat=" + value.value, function (data) { if (data == "err" || !data) {{ title: lang_hata, text: lang_fiyatGuncelleHata, icon: "error", button: lang_OK, }); } else { sepetHTMLGuncelle(data);{ title: "", text: lang_fiyatGuncelleOK, icon: "success", button: lang_OK, }); } } ); }); } /* Before document ready */ if ($(".shopphp-payment-body").length) { odemeSepetTasarimGuncelle(true); } $('button.sepet-goster').parent().css({'width':'100%','box-sizing':'border-box'});